Saturday 15 February 2014


An alien spaceship from Planet Zeeba hovered over San Diego.
The spaceship – identified at first as a UFO – was first seen over Santee, California on May 7th.
The U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials sent  Dr. Susan Begley to Santee to investigate.  ”We gathered evidence from hundreds of eyewitnesses as well as studying numerous photographs and videos,” said Dr. Begley.  ”This is clearly a spaceship from Planet Zeeba. But there is nothing for people in San Diego to worry about.”
Dr. Begley told WWN that aliens from Planet Zeeba have been on Earth since October of 2011 and have come in peace.  ”They are here to try to help humans save their own planet, and to help defend Earth against an attack by the Gootans.”   Aliens from Planet Gootan are reportedly here to take over earth and enslave humans.
Some in government and in the media (as evidence by the video below), are trying to tell people that it was not an alien spaceship, but instead was a commercial aircraft.
“The governments of the world have been covering up the existence of aliens for decades.  They do that so that citizens don’t become panicked.  It’s unfortunate, because the Zeebans have come in peace,” said Dr. Begley.
Here’s an official report (assembled with the help of the U.S. government).



WASHINGTON, DC – Alien warriors for Planet Gootan planned to attack Earth today, but the invasion has been averted – thanks to President Obama’s secret negotiations!

“From all indications, the invasion is off,” said a high-ranking administration official.  ”President Obama is fully engaged with the Gootans.”
“The talks are continuing, but for now we believe the danger is over.”
Weekly World News first reported that an invasion was planned after scientists intercepted and translated a radio transmission from space in 2012.
The brief message was decoded by an international team of scientists led by Dr. Gerhard Schultz, who said the transmission was intended for alien scouts already involved in pre-strike activities on Earth.
“Make no mistake about it – aliens from Planet Gootan have served mankind with a declaration of war,” Dr. Schultz said in 2012. “They are already on their way.”
Dr. Schultz said the message indicated that the aliens would invade Earth on July 4, 2013. Other scientists interpreted the message to say the intruders from Planet Gootan would be bringing a “large battalion of fighter spacecraft.”
U.S. officials have worked feverishly to find a way to avert the attack – going so far as to open negotiations with an envoy from the distant planet.
Weekly World News reported in 2007 that former President George W. Bush had met several times with an alien from an unknown world. Sources subsequently revealed that the peace-loving alien was serving as a go-between for Bush and the invaders.
The same alien, who backed Obama in the elections, later helped him negotiate with the attackers – and even took the newly elected President on a top-secret ride in a spaceship to meet their leader.  Since then the U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials has confirmed that the alien is from Planet Gootan.
“Without the efforts of the friendly alien from Planet Gootan, we would be bracing for a devastating attack,” said the White House aide. It is believe the aliens were going to use the chaos and distraction of July 4th fireworks to descend quickly into our atmosphere.
But Earth’s good fortune may doom another planet in a remote area of the Milky Way.
“These alien warriors are no saints,” the aide said. “They have been traveling for many years to get here and they aren’t about to just turn around and go home without attacking somebody.
“Unfortunately, another poor planet in another solar system is likely to suffer the wrath of these intergalactic death merchants.”



A UFO flew across Texas last week.  The aliens were from Planet Zeeba!
Thousands of citizens saw a small white object appear across the skyline of San Antonio, traveling at low altitude.  It was traveling SouthWest then turned Northwest, then it hovered.
The mysterious object was first discovered by Mario Vallejo, who had his camera running for an hour outside his home – in a technique is known as skyfishing.
He said: “To me it’s an orb, and I’ve been seeing these things a lot around here. I really don’t know what they are?”
WWN spoke with Dr. John Malley, the head of the U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials. He told WWN ,”we have confirmed that it is a UFO and that the spaceship is from Planet Zeeba.  It has all the markings of a Zeeban ship.”
Malley said that the Zeebans are peaceful aliens and that they have come to Earth to help us overcome our challenges, to save the planet AND to battle against The Gootans – other aliens who have come to Earth, to harm us.
“The Zeeban ship over Texas is a good sign,” said Dr. Malley.  ”They are prepared to fight The Gootans.  The time is near..”
Here are some videos that were posted before it was confirmed to be a Zeeban ship.



An astronaut at the International Space Station saw a UFO – a spaceship from Planet Gootan!
An unidentified flying object floated by the International Space Station.
NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy  captured a video of the ‘unidentified object’ near the space station. He spotted the object floating near the space station on Monday (Aug. 19).
“Was it a UFO?,” NASA officials wrote in a video description. Russian ground controllers identified it as a spaceship from Planet Gootan.
Russian scientists examined the pictures closely and are positive that the spaceship, from Planet Gootan, was firing on the space station.
“Luckily, we had anti-UFO missiles on board the space station.  We fired at the Gootan ship and it retreated,” said a Russian astronaut.
The Gootan ship was first spotted from one of the low-gain WAL antennas on the space station used to help guide the European Space Agency’s unmanned Automated Transfer Vehicle cargo ships during rendezvous and docking operations.
A NASA spokesman told WWN that they did not believe the UFO was a ship from Planet Gootan.  ”The Russians are crazy.  There are no such thing as Gootans.”
But the Russians seem to have the last laugh – providing the press with thousands of documents proving the existence of Planet Gootan.
The Russians anticipate that the Gootan ship will return with reinforcements.  ”We are ready.  Russia will protect Earth, save Earth – as we have always done,” said the Russian astronaut.


Alien rocks, from Planet Gootan, were discovered in Mexico.
The rocks were found in the state of Sonora.  Experts from the U.N. Panel of Extraterrestrials have identified the rocks as being from Planet Gootan.  ”They are definitely Gootan rocks.  No doubt about it,” said Dr. John Malley, the head of the U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials.
Some thought that the rocks had fallen from a dump truck. They were wrong.  They fell from outer space.  Some thought that the smell was gas, but it’s not… it’s a radioactive, intergalactic substance know as Gooboplasm.
 The U.N. is carefully going to study the rock.  The U.S. military is getting involved as well.  ”We are concerned that the rocks may be weaponized, so we are taking every precaution,” said a representative from the Defense Department.
The rocks contained phosphorite, a chemical chain reaction that could have ignited them as they were been subjected to friction.Phosphorus in rocks, or phosphorite, is usually deposited by sediment – dissolved phosphorus from continental weathering that is brought to the oceans by rivers and streams.
So why did the Gootans drop rocks on Earth?
“Earth has been under attack by the Gootans since November of 2011,” said Dr. Malley.  ”There has been a cover-up by all governments on Earth, and most citizens have not noticed because it has not impacted many populations yet.  But, there is an ongoing attack on Earth by the Gootans.”
Dr. Malley said that the U.N. is proud that they captured the Gootan rocks.  ”It is a major victory in the battle against Planet Gootan.”


WASHINGTON, DC –  Shutdown crisis causes U.S. to turn to the alien, P’Lod, for guidance and financial aid.

The United States government will face a catastrophic event of historic proportions, if Congress cannot resolve the budget crisis. Current funding is scheduled to run dry on October 17th  and if the infighting in Congress is not resolved, the system of government that the citizens of the United States have grown accustom to will end, permanently.
Republicans have made a number of proposals to keep the government running, but Democrats have rejected them all.   The U.S. government has to get itself out of the red and avoid a permanent shutdown.  There are grave concerns that members of Congress will be unable to put aside partisan principles and band together to save the United States from immanent doom.
As a safety net, some members of the Congress have called upon P’Lod, the alien who backed Barack Obama in the 2008 and 2012 elections in hopes to find a way to the bring the United States budget under control.
Current Republican planned cuts include blocking federal funding to Obamacare and baring the Pentagon from using tax dollars to sponsor NASCAR race teams.  P’Lod does not have issue with reducing funding to Planned Parenthood but he will not stand for cuts to NASCAR.  P’Lod really loves his NASCAR.
P’Lod has offered to take President Obama up on his offer for the White House, agreeing to pay the full asking price plus closing costs, as a sign of his commitment to aid the U.S. in these trying times.
“P’Lod has always enjoyed his visits to the White House,” said a top White House aide, “He’s really going to enjoy it here, especially the West Wing.”
Based on the great deal of influence that P’Lod had during the past two elections; many conspiracy theorists worry that this purchase is all but a tactical maneuver by P’Lod in order to help him to gain complete control of the U.S. and ultimately the world.
“There are tons of government secrets locked up in the White House, many of which the U.S. government does not even know about,” explained John McElroy, top conspiracy theorist and movie buff, “I’ve seen National Treasure and National Treasure: Book of Secrets. If we let P’Lod get a hold of that information there is no telling what powers and riches he will uncover.”


Most aliens who visit Earth are dwarfs who stand less than 4 feet tall! So says physicist David Webb.
Dr. Webb analyzed nearly 2,000 close encounters and found that aliens fall into three classes.
“Most numerous are those in the dwarf class,” he said. “Generally, they wear helmets and metallic reflecting suits. Very often they are seen in pairs gathering samples from the ground and trees. They don’t generally communicate with humans.”
The second group is comprised of human-like beings from 5 to 6 feet tall, said Dr. Webb.
“They are seen in groups of three or more and involved in the so-called abduction cases. There is often communication with humans.”
In the final category are the giants that appear to be at least 7 feet tall, he said.
“All of these classes of aliens tend to wear one-piece coveralls or jumpsuits that are tight-fitting all the way down to the hands,” continued Dr. Webb.
“Not too many carry weapons but generally these extraterrestrials tend to control the situation.
“Sometimes a witness is paralyzed by an apparent ray gun device,” he said. “But often he’s just paralyzed without any obvious weapon.”
Dr. Webb found that of the nearly 2,000 cases:
  • 26 percent involved aliens seen entering or leaving a UFO.
  • 17 percent involved aliens observed in a UFO.
  • 17 percent involved an alien near a spacecraft.
  • 16 percent involved seeing an alien but not a UFO.
  • 10 percent involved witnesses who were actually taken aboard a UFO.
  • 7 percent involved an alien seen in the area where UFO sightings have previously occurred.
  • 2 percent involved communication with the alien.
The remaining 5 percent don’t fit into any categories.



BERKELEY HEIGHTS, NJ – Google Street View users have discovered what appears to be an alien next to a mysterious beam of light!
The image was taken by one of Google Street View’s Camera Cars in Diamond Hill Road, in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey. The object on the left has an undeniable resemblance to that of famous movie alien E.T.
Malcolm Robinson, head of the Strange Phenomena Investigations, said the image was “the first of its kind”.
“On close inspection the similarities with E.T. are obvious but it’s hard to say with any certainty what exactly it is. Of added interest is the strange beam of light to the right, which I cannot explain either.”
“Without further details to go on I’m really stumped. We’d all love it to be alien, but that’s a big assumption.”
Alternate theories are being presented, such as the “beam of light” being merely a glitch in the software, where two images were stitched together improperly.
However alien enthusiasts are enouraged by the fact that only three months ago, police in nearby Morris County were called about a series of unidentified flying objects that appeared. Dozens of citizens watched saw five flickering red lights in the night sky above.
Local resident and pilot Paul Hurley said: “I’ve been in the aviation industry about 20 years, so I knew they weren’t airplanes”.