Thursday 9 February 2012


Posted on Friday, February 3rd, 2012
Several UFOs were spotted over Los Angeles last night.
UFOs were flying in the skies over LA  last night.  The U.N. sent there UFO chasers to Los Angeles to follow them and identify them.
“They’re from Zeeba.  Absolutely.  Wer’e positive,” said  UFO chaser,  Dante D’Alessandro, who has been following UFOs since the late 1980.
“The shape, size, duration of flight over the city.  The Zeebans are known to hover over major U.S. cities, take their data readings and then leave… peacefully,” said D’Alessandro.
Dr. Susan Begley of the United Nations confirmed that the UFOs were from Planet Zeeba. She told WWN that the UFOs sighting have been increasing since the beginning of2012 and they will continue to increase because the alien invasion – from Planets Zeeba and Gootan – is underway.
“The United Nations is following the movements of these aliens closely,” said Dr. Begley.
Several celebrities saw the UFOs including Brad Pitt and George Clooney who had just eaten at Spago in Beverly Hills.  ”I always thought UFOs were b.s., but I saw it with my own eyes.  They are real.  And they’re cool,” said Clooney.


Posted on Monday, February 6th, 2012
A triangular UFO, accompanied by the strange sounds phenomenon, was spotted over Dublin, Ireland!
The triangular UFOs have been seen frequently over North America in the last few weeks and now they seem to be hovering over Ireland.  The triangle object with three glowing tips and folding over on itself, was taped by multiple witnesses.  Dogs in Dublin at first barked at the object, but then they seemed mesmerized by it – some say the dogs seem to be under control of the object.
There were also strange sounds, which have been heard in hundreds of other videos.
Irish officials investigated the sightings along with top U.K. Extraterrestrial expert.  Lord David Morton of Wales, an expert in UFOs confirmed what WWN had suspected – these triangular UFOs were spaceships from Planet Zeeba.
Independently, Dr. Susan Begley of the United Nations confirmed that the ships were from Planet Zeeba.  ”This is actually good news,” said Dr. Begley, “because this proves that the Zeebans are taken aggressive action to defend humans on Earth from the invasion of aliens from Planet Gootan.  There is hope for our planet.”
Irish citizens across the country spotted the Zeeban ships and were struck by the perfect triangle formation and… the beauty.  ”I’ve never seen such beautiful lightss,” said Martin Quinn of Galway.  ”I felt a sense of calm and peace.  I can’t really describe it, but I felt safer than I had in my whole life.”
The Zeeban ships seemed to be monitoring the shores of Ireland – as a protective force.  ”They are definitely trying to help the citizens of Ireland, ” said Lord Morton.  ”The Irish certainly are lucky to be under the aegis of the Zeebans.”


Posted on Friday, February 3rd, 2012
MINNESOTA – Authorities report the first official sighting of Gootans in America.  Deer Hunters shot at these aliens.
Three Minnesota deer hunters fired several shots at what they felt were aliens from a UFO, but they missed.  Luckily, they were unharmed (well, as far as they know).
The aliens were later identified by authorities as being from Planet Gootan, part of an initial invasion of Gootan ships that landed on earth in November, 2011.
The event happened when the three men spotted what they at first thought was an X-47B military drone hovering in the air over the woods at night.
“We were in fear,” one of the unnamed men stated, “and trained a scoped Winchester Sportsman .30-06 deer rifle on the object, and fired three successive shots center mass at the object, with no obvious effect, or ricochet sound. Man with me fired two slugs from a Mossberg 12 gauge shotgun center mass, also with no effect.”
There have been a record number of UFO sightings in 2012 so far.  The U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials has added two hundred people to its staff to handle the alien invasion.   In particular, they are concerned about the Gootans, who are known to be hostile.
What does the U.N. make of the deer hunters?
“We are interviewing them now and have our medical team examining them,” said Dr. Malley of the U.N. Panel.  ”They seem to be okay, and it doesn’t appear that the Gootans shot back at the deer hunters, but they do have very specialized weapons.”
Are there more Gootans in Minnesota?
“Most likely,” said Dr. Malley.

Thursday 2 February 2012


Posted on Friday, January 20th, 2012
CHICAGO – To prepare for the coming alien attack, all major U.S. cities have installed special infrared  cameras to help detect the aliens.
Government authorities, who were concerned that when three giant alien spaceships attack in late November, that they may not be able to see them moving through out streets, buildings and home.  So, over the weekend, all the major cities in the U.S. installed the alien cameras.
“It was success, we are ready for the alien invasion,”  Mayor Bloomberg told WWN last night.
In order to give our law enforcement officers and advantage, the U.S. Government purchased a large number of “alien surveillance cameras” from a Russian manufacturer.   These cameras, if properly calibrated, can detect aliens in cities and in homes and office buildings.  And they work from over 500 yards away.
“The cameras are highly accurate.  We have used them in Russia for decades and they have helped us identify a number of peaceful aliens from Planet Zeeba that have been inhabiting our towns and cities,” said Ivan Krusnov of the Moscow Extraterrestrial Institute.  “We have adjusted the camera to be able to detect the invaders from Planet Gootan, who we have confirmed will be attacking earth in late November.”
The U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials has approved the cameras and they may be installed in all cities throughout the globe in the coming weeks.
Special cameras and camcorders often capture the things that humans don’t see with a naked eye.  This is particularly true of parallel reality: aliens and UFOs.  They photos can also predict future.
It is an open secret that any image that comes in sight of a human being leaves an impression on the retina.  Russian scientist used this fact to develop  high-accuracy alien camera.
Dr. Krokhalev,  from Perm, first developed the prototype camera in 1946.  He had a patient, who suffered from hallucinations. Trying to study his disease, Krokhalev took pictures of the patient’s eyes. The photo depicted a round bright spot on the dark background. The patient was suffering from one and the same vision – he always saw the moon in the night sky above his head.  He developed the idea of  “thoughtographs” and it was this idea that led scientists to experiment on what the eye can see (but the brain does not register).
How exactly can these alien cameras display other dimensions?  The Russians aren’t saying, but American authorities are just grateful that we have these cameras, so we can defend our cities from the alien attack.


Posted on Wednesday, February 1st, 2012
NASA spacecrafts have directly observed alien particles that came from beyond our solar system.
The discovery not only gives us a glimpse of what exists in the so-called interstellar medium—the matter between stars—but also offers clues to the anatomy of our local galactic neighborhood.
Orbiting Earth some 200,000 miles  away, the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) spacecraft was able to snag samples of hydrogen, oxygen, and neon that came from interstellar space.
“It’s exciting to be able to have these first observations of alien matter—stuff that didn’t come from our sun or the planets, but came from the outside of our solar system, from other parts of the galaxy,”  David McComa, team leader for the IBEX program, said during a NASA news conference Tuesday.
“We think these are really important measurements, because these elements are the fundamental building blocks of stars, planets, and people.”
Since its launch in October 2008, the IBEX probe has been mapping the boundary of the solar system, called the heliosphere.
This bubble in the Milky Way galaxy is created by solar wind, which is the stream of charged particles that’s constantly blowing out from the sun in all directions.
The edge of the heliosphere lies about a hundred times farther from us than Earth does from the sun, and it shields the inner solar system from deadly cosmic radiation.
That’s because the heliosphere and its associated magnetic field push away damaging charged particles. These particles—remnants from supernovae that are dispersed through interstellar space—flow toward us at 50,000 miles an hour.
But half of the particles in the interstellar wind are neutral, and these uncharged atoms can make it into our solar system.
A few of these neutral hydrogen, oxygen, and neon particles then made it all the way to Earth, where IBEX was able to detect them, McComas said during the conference.
“I like to call it the 15-billion-mile hole-in-one,” he said.
An analysis of the new IBEX data compared the ratios of oxygen to neon from interstellar space with the ratios of these atoms native to our solar system.
The results show that our solar system appears to contain more oxygen than surrounding interstellar space.
The alien matter has not been identified as either Gootan or Zeeban, but the U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials is meeting with NASA to evaluate the particles.
IBEX also measured the speed of the interstellar wind, revealing that the wind is moving about 7,000 miles an hour slower than previously recorded.
Combined with previous data on nearby interstellar clouds—gossamer blobs of gas and dust many light-years across—the team was able to more precisely pinpoint our location in the local galactic neighborhood.
Our solar system appears to sit at the edge of one of many low-density interstellar clouds that move through this region of the galaxy—and we may actually exit the cloud in the next few thousand years, the data show.
“It’s so exciting to know where our sun is in relation to local clouds. It really puts our sun in context for the first time,” said Seth Redfield, an astronomer from Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut, who’s involved with IBEX.
“Our location within our local interstellar cloud is important,” Redfield added, “because the heliosphere structure changes depending on where it is inside a cloud or outside, and so it has consequences for how well it shields us from those deadly cosmic rays.”


Posted on Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

An alien spaceship from Planet Zeeba was seen over American Fork, Utah last week.
Anthony Piceno, of American Fork, Utah, said he was drawn to the sight in the air because it was like nothing he had ever seen before.
His footage of the object later appeared on The Weather Channel.
The video shows the blue craft resembling a spinning top floating in the sky and moving very slowly.
Mr Piceno said: ‘I looked up in the sky and, you know, it was just a different object, it was neon blue, red flashing lights’.
 He watched the object floating in the sky for a few minutes, observing how it was ‘just cruising slow’ in the sky.
Utah authorities contacted Dr. John Malley of the U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials, who flew to Utah with Dr. Banesh Bannerjee.  Together, they examined all the video footage and interviewed a number of locals.  They determined that the “UFO” was actually an alien spaceship from Planet Zeeba.
“The Zeebans are here to help humans fight the Gootans, who landed on our planet last November and are planing to attack humans in the very near future.  The ship was clearly Zeeban Blue.”
This is not the first Zeeban ships have been seen hovering in the sky in the area, as several people have reported close encounters in the past few months.
Last year, a top secret FBI memo detailing how police and army officers witnessed a UFO exploding over Utah was unearthed.
The cable, marked ‘URGENT’ and sent to then-FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, details how an army guard, a policeman and a highway patrol, who were all miles apart, each saw a UFO, which they said exploded over mountains near Logan, north of Salt Lake City.
The memo is one of thousands of previously unreleased classified files that the bureau has made public in an online resource called The Vault.
Under the title ‘Flying Discs’, the document about the sightings in Utah said the three men each ‘saw a silver coloured object high up approaching the mountains at Sardine Canyon’ that ‘appeared to explode in a rash of fire.’
It added: ‘Several residents reported seeing what appeared to be two aerial explosions, followed by falling object.’
Documents show that an earlier UFO sighting had been investigated in Logan in September 1947.
It said numerous witnesses told the FBI they saw “flying discs” in formation that were “circling the city at a high rate of speed.”
Dr. Bannerjee told WWN that Utah citizens have nothing to fear.  ”Zeebans are our friends.  This is a good sign.”