Thursday 2 February 2012


Posted on Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

An alien spaceship from Planet Zeeba was seen over American Fork, Utah last week.
Anthony Piceno, of American Fork, Utah, said he was drawn to the sight in the air because it was like nothing he had ever seen before.
His footage of the object later appeared on The Weather Channel.
The video shows the blue craft resembling a spinning top floating in the sky and moving very slowly.
Mr Piceno said: ‘I looked up in the sky and, you know, it was just a different object, it was neon blue, red flashing lights’.
 He watched the object floating in the sky for a few minutes, observing how it was ‘just cruising slow’ in the sky.
Utah authorities contacted Dr. John Malley of the U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials, who flew to Utah with Dr. Banesh Bannerjee.  Together, they examined all the video footage and interviewed a number of locals.  They determined that the “UFO” was actually an alien spaceship from Planet Zeeba.
“The Zeebans are here to help humans fight the Gootans, who landed on our planet last November and are planing to attack humans in the very near future.  The ship was clearly Zeeban Blue.”
This is not the first Zeeban ships have been seen hovering in the sky in the area, as several people have reported close encounters in the past few months.
Last year, a top secret FBI memo detailing how police and army officers witnessed a UFO exploding over Utah was unearthed.
The cable, marked ‘URGENT’ and sent to then-FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, details how an army guard, a policeman and a highway patrol, who were all miles apart, each saw a UFO, which they said exploded over mountains near Logan, north of Salt Lake City.
The memo is one of thousands of previously unreleased classified files that the bureau has made public in an online resource called The Vault.
Under the title ‘Flying Discs’, the document about the sightings in Utah said the three men each ‘saw a silver coloured object high up approaching the mountains at Sardine Canyon’ that ‘appeared to explode in a rash of fire.’
It added: ‘Several residents reported seeing what appeared to be two aerial explosions, followed by falling object.’
Documents show that an earlier UFO sighting had been investigated in Logan in September 1947.
It said numerous witnesses told the FBI they saw “flying discs” in formation that were “circling the city at a high rate of speed.”
Dr. Bannerjee told WWN that Utah citizens have nothing to fear.  ”Zeebans are our friends.  This is a good sign.”

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