Monday 26 March 2012


On December 21, 2012,  an alien spaceship in France will take off and save those nearby from the apocalypse. 
The alien spaceship is located in a French commune with a population of just 200.  Locals are touting it as a modern-day Noah’s Ark because when doomsday arrives – December 21, 2012 – those nearby will be saved.
According to extraterrestrial experts at the United Nations, the alien spaceship is from Planet Zeeba.
A large stream of Zeeban believers – or esoterics, as locals call them – have descended in their camper van-loads to the usually picturesque and tranquil Pyrenean village of Bugarach.
The believers are convinced that when the apocalypse happens on 21 December this year, the Zeebans waiting in their spacecraft inside Pic de Bugarach will save all the humans near by and beam them off to the next age.
As the cataclysmic date – which, according to eschatological beliefs and predicted astrological alignments, concludes a 5,125-year cycle in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar – nears, the goings-on around the peak have become more ritualistic.
For decades, there has been a belief that Pic de Bugarach, which at 5,000 feet, is the highest in the Corbières mountain range, possesses an eerie power.  Often called the “upside-down mountain” – geologists think that it exploded after its formation and the top landed the wrong way up – it is thought to have inspired Jules Verne’s Journey to the Centre of the Earth and Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
The country’s late president François Mitterrand was transported by helicopter on to the peak, while the Nazis, and, later, Israel’s Mossad, performed mysterious digs there.
Now the nearby village is awash with believers in Zeeba, who have boosted the local economy, though their naked group climbs up to the peak have raised concerns as well as eyebrows. Among other oddities, some hikers have been spotted scaling the mountain carrying a ball with a golden ring, strung together by a single thread.
A grizzled man wearing a white linen smock, who calls himself Jean, set up a yurt in the forest a couple of years ago to prepare for the earth’s demise. “The apocalypse we believe in is the end of a certain world and the beginning of another,” he offers. “A new spiritual world. The year 2012 is the end of a cycle of suffering. Bugarach is one of the major chakras of the earth, a place devoted to welcoming the energies of tomorrow.”
Upwards of 2,00,000 people are thought to be planning a trip to the mountain, 30 miles west of Perpignan, in time for 21 December.
Jean-Pierre Delord, the perplexed mayor of Bugarach, has requested back-up from the French army because they expect to be overwhelmed with Zeeban followers trying to get on the spaceship on December 21st.
Maybe call Bugarach an “alien garage” because the Zeeban ship is parked inside the mountain


A new alien “phone”  can send messages through the Earth and to planets outside the Milky Way. 
A new “alien phone” has been developed.  It was first tested by sending messages through 500 miles of solid rock. Scientists say it will help us communicate with aliens.
“It’s a major break-through,” said Dr. John Malley of the United Nations.  ”This device, though a bit large at the moment, has the potential to open communication with aliens as soon as this summer.”
The transmitter and receiver weigh several tons, but engineers are working feverishly to get it down to the size of an iPad.
The alien phone codes messages into beams of ‘neutrinos’ – tiny subatomic particles – and then send them through space.
“Using neutrinos, it is possible to communicate between any two points on Earth, or in space, without using satellites or cables,’ said Frank Ventimiglia, professor of electrical and computer engineering at MIT.
“Neutrino communication systems are much more complicated than today’s systems, but have important strategic uses,” he said.
Neutrinos can penetrate almost anything they encounter.
“Humans can now communicate without impediment with beings in outer space – on the far side of a moon, on a planet, and in a galaxy far, far away,” Dr. Ventimiglia said.
“The alien phone technology takes massive amounts of high-tech equipment to communicate a message using neutrinos, but we are already working on a scaled down model that can fit in any individual’s home.  We want to make it possible for individual citizens to communicate with aliens as well,” said Greg Bates, a University of Rochester physics professor who helped develop the alien phone.
Scientists demonstrated the phone at the Fermi National Accelerator Lab, outside of Chicago.   Everyone present was amazed.  ”I think I spoke to a young Martian boy,” said one eyewitness.


Posted on Thursday, March 22nd, 2012
SIBERIA –  A Gootan spaceship was shot down over Russia and parts of it fell in Siberia.
A U-shaped object, resembling a silvery dome, is currently under inspection by Russian experts, after being covertly removed under cover of night from the possession of villagers who found it.
It had fallen from the sky over the weekend after villagers heard a large explosion.  Authorities are not publicly saying what the explosion was, nor what the fallen objects is, but WWN has been investigating.
WWN spoke to Dr. Susan Begley of the U.N. Panel of Extraterrestrials about the object.  She had gone to Siberia to examine the debris.
“It’s clearly part of an alien spaceship from Planet Gootan.  It has all the Gootan markings,” she told WWN.  ”Our guess is that the ship was shot down by a ship from Planet Zeeba.”
There has been an ongoing battle on Earth between alien from Planet Gootan and aliens from Planet Zeeba.  Basically, the Zeebans have come to our planet to help us, while the Gootans want to — destroy us.
Locals from the village of Otradnesnky had managed to drag the “Gootan fragment” from the thick forest where it had fallen. They attached it onto a trailer and took it through the snow to their village, where local inspectors then examined it before alerting Moscow authorities.
In an official statement, Sergey Bobrov, who found the object, said that the object glowed.  ”Particularly at night, we see a red flashing light in object.  It scare many of us.”
Here is a shot of a piece of the Gootan ship at night:
The 2,500 pound metal fragment is being kept under close guard by local police and U.N. Peacekeepers.
Some officials tried to say that the it was a piece of a rocket or missile, but that was quickly dismissed by Dr. Begley, who has over twenty-five years experience with extraterrestrials and a leading expert in the field of ufology.
Is it a threat to the health of the villagers?
“We measured the radiation level near and inside the object. We found no radiation here,” said Yuri Bornyakov, who heads the rescue service department of the Kuybyshevsky district in the Novosibirsk region.
Part of the fragment is made of ultra-strong titanium, said Valery Vasiliev, the head of the Kuybyshevsky Department for Civil Defence and Emergency Situations.  ”It is something that we have never seen on earth.”


Posted on Wednesday, March 14th, 2012
Aliens are using expanding foam, which seems to grow on manure pits, to cause hog farms to explode.
Six farms have blown up in the last week – killing thousands of animals, mostly hogs – after methane trapped inside the alien foam caught a spark.
There’s no stopping it: the foam has now been spotted growing on one in four farms across the Midwest.
“This has all started in four months ago when the Gootans first landed on Earth,” said Professor Sam Benton of the University of Wisconsin. .”We have no idea why they are using this foam, but we can’t seem to identify it and we definitely can’t control it.”
The foam appears to capture gases emitted by bacteria living in the manure which gathers in pits under barns on farms.
Even when the foam or muck is cleared, it creeps back.
The danger is in the methane, which reaches around 60 or 70 per cent inside the foam’s bubbles – more than four times than is dangerous.
If the bubbles break, methane will rush out. If a spark is present, a barn could explode.
In February, a spark from routine metal repair caused an explosion that killed 4,500 hogs and injured a worker. The authorities called in extraterrestrial experts from the United Nations, who confirmed that it was the work of the Gootans, aliens from Planet Gootan.
The foam has been spotted in southern Minnesota, northern Iowa, northwestern Illinois and southwestern Wisconsin.  It has not, yet, been used on humans, but the United Nations experts are not ruling it out.
Some have tried to explain away the foam.  Angela Kent, a microbial ecologist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, told Wired: “I think it’s a shift in the environment that’s favoring a particular microbial assemblage that’s inadvertently causing this.  I don’t think it’s aliens.”
“She’s wrong,” said Dr. Susan Begley of the United Nations Panel on Extraterrestrials. “We run extensive tests on the foam and had it analyzed in the United Nations labs.  It’s definitely Gootan foam.”
The Center for Disease Control is working with Dr. Begley to try to find an anti-dote to the foam, but they are not confident they can find them.  ”The Gootans are far more advanced than we are,” said Dr. Begley.  ”We can only try.”


Posted on Monday, March 12th, 2012
Four alien spaceships from Planet Zeeba landed in Makurazaki over the weekend.
Makurazaki is in the Kagoshima Prefecture on Japan’s southernmost tip.  They have seen UFO activity before, but there has never been a reported landing of alien spaceships.
Japanese authorities have confirmed with WWN that four spaceships landed in Makurazaki and “thousands” of alien exited the ships and then… they all disappeared.
“It’s typical behavior of Zeebans,” said Dr. Banesh Bannerjee, a lead extraterrestrial expert at the United Nations.  ”The good news is that we have confirmed that the ships that landed were from Planet Zeeba.  The Zeebans have been on our planet since October, 2010 and more and more are coming each day.  They are docile aliens and have come to earth to help humans.”
The bad news?  ”Well, the bad news is that they may attract attention from the Gootans, aliens that landed on Earth in Novermber, 2011.  The Gootans have come to earth to, take us over basically.”
Bannerjee went on to say that the Zeebans are probably going to Fukushima to help Japan recover from the after-effects of the earthquake last year.  ”Japan has done a great deal in a year to help put the area back together, but the Zeebans know there is a lot more work to be done and they will take it upon themselves to do it. That’s just how they are,” said Bannerjee.
The Zeeban ships have actually been sighted all over Japan in recent weeks.
Clear and unambiguous sightings are taking place every day across the country. Only a week ago two enormous almost blinding lights hovered over the city of Osaka. The lights were seen by thousands of Japanese citizens and the footage is rapidly spreading across the Internet where some Japanese viewers are dubbing them “lights of hope”.
“That’s exactly what the Zeebans want humans to think about them,” said Bannerjee.  ”They are the ‘light of hope’ of mankind.”


Posted on Friday, March 9th, 2012
PHOENIX – Aliens fired a laser cannon at Phoenix.
It was caught on camera by a news report (see below).  WWN can confirm that aliens from Planet Gootan fired on Phoenix.
According to experts from the U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials – it was just a warning shot.
“This is typical Gootan warfare,” said Dr. Susan Begley of the U.N. Panel.  “They fire warning shots for months and then they unleash their full arsenal of weaponry.”
What is most curious, is that it happened just days before the “Phoenix Lights” 15th anniversary.
On March 13, 1997 strange, unidentifiable flying objects were seen illuminating the night sky over Phoenix, Ariz, and were viewable in Nevada and New Mexico. Since then, many who saw the lights over the reported stretch of about 300 miles hold various theories as to their cause and recall the anniversary.
The U.S. military has continued to deny that the Phoenix lights were alien spaceships, but WWN can confirm that they were, in fact, aliens from Planet Xixuc.
“The Xixucians came here in 1997 to observe humans, and they left.  It isn’t until the last few weeks, that we have seen signs that they may have returned,” said Dr. Begley.
Dr. Begley was clear to point out that the Xixucians are docile aliens, but the Gootans – “they are here to cause mayhem.”
The U.S. Defense Department has dispatched its top Alien Defense Squad to Phoenix to monitor the situation.
“If they fire again, it will be the last shot they ever take,” said a Defense Department spokesman.
Let’s hope so…

Monday 5 March 2012


Posted on Monday, March 5th, 2012
Aliens from Planet Gootan are attacking Great Britain.
Thousands of reports have been flooding into authorities across Great Britain.  Most of the reports are from citizens who have seen a bright orange fireball streak across the night skies.
Witnesses from northern Scotland all the way down to Dover have been alarmed by the flash of lights.
British authorities called in experts from the U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials, who flew to London to meet the members of Parliament and Dave Cameron’s top military officials.
“We have confirmed that the alien ships flying over Great Britain are from Planet Gootan.  They are flying sorties over the country and dropping space balls on British citizens,” said Dr. Susan Begley, one of the leaders of the U.N. team.  ”These space balls are harmless, and look like small meteorites, but they may be signaling a bigger attack, which we anticipate for later this year.”
A florist has come forward to show the press one of the Gootan space balls that hit her store. Joanne Pain, from Redcar  says she discovered the space rock while taking her dog for a walk yesterday.
The 43-year-old said: “It’s heavy and it has what looks like ‘small white chondrules” which we have read are typical of Gootan space balls.
Fiona Markman, 33, from Liverpool watched the fireball pass her house with daughter Gia, 15. She said: “I was watching TV when Chelsea said, ‘Mum, look at the sky’. I was mesmerized — I’d never seen anything like it before.  Then the balls started dropping.”
“I was a bit scared.  The space balls were like big rock of hail, but luckily they didn’t hit us dead on,” said Gia.
Roger Fairey, 41, a delivery man from Manchester, was having a cigarette when he saw the Gootan ship.  ”I thought I was seeing things. There was a big ball of fire coming towards me — I didn’t know what to do. My heart started thumping, but then the thing disappeared over the back of my house.”
Police in Blackpool, say that their town was hit the hardest.  ”We probably had over 3,000 space balls fall on our town.  There was extensive damage to buildings, but luckily only about thirty citizens were hospitalized and they all seem fine now.”
Here’s the path of one of the Gootan ships:

Thursday 1 March 2012

ALIENS ATTACK! (2.28.12)

Posted on Tuesday, February 28th, 2012
KANGEAN ISLAND -  Aliens from  Planet Gootan have been spotted across the Indonsian Sea. 
WWN continues to follow the landing of three large spaceships from Planet Gootan – that arrived on November 29th, 2011.   Two ships landed in a field near Lijang, China and one ship landed in the Indonesian Sea near Kangean Island.
WWN has learned that ti was not just one ship that landed in the Indonesian sea, but there were three ships – and 12 Gootan pods that landed in the sea.  Over the last two weeks, the ships have been surfacing and flying g over Kangean Island and Bali.
The United Nations Panel on Extraterrestrials has sent a team to Bali to observe first hand the activities of the Gootans.
Some readers continue to be skeptical of the landings – but WWN has been following the developments closely and is close contact with the United Nations and the Defense Department.
Sources inside the Defense Department say that the activities of the Gootans have many world leaders very concerned.  It does appear that the Gootans are planning an attack on humans.
Dr. Susan Begley, one of the leaders of the U.N. Panel of Extraterrestrials,  estimates that between ten thousand and thirty thousand Gootans are now on Earth.  She believes that there are over 3,000 in the Indonesian Sea – preparing for war.
Many citizens on the island of Bali have noticed the Gootan ships hovering above them.  Locals have taken to wearing demon masks to scare off the Gootans.
Others are performing tribal dances to stop the Gootans from attacking Bali.
According to sources in Bali, there have numerous reports of strange apparitions, beings, moving through the island.
– BALI.   Two old men, Wayan and Nyoman,  saw three strange beings on the beach.  The beings stopped to look at them.   Wayan said that the beings “glowed” and stared at them.  After a flash went off – they disappeared.
– KANGEAN ISLAND.  Many reports of a light above the island, that was similar to this:
Dr. John Malley, the leader of the U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials is also In Bali  monitoring the situation.  “The Gootans are here are are getting closer to an attack.  I would say that the attack will take place sometime in November or December of 2012.  They are just “observing” humans now.”
Dr. Malley went on to say that the United Nations is doing everything in its power to protect the citizens of earth from the Gootans.   Dr. Johannes Bargad, a specialist in extraterrestrial medicine, is working on a vaccine that may keep the Gootans away – but time is running out.
Why  have the Gootans have come? –  we asked Dr. Begley. “Well, some say they have come for our gold, or that they feel that humans are abusing the planet and want to take over, and others  speculate that they are here to do research on humans…. but we will never know.  We just have to take steps to protect our planet.”
As always, WWN will continue following this developing story…  and please report any Gootan sightings in the comments section.  The mainstream media is covering up this story to avoid causing a worldwide panic, but WWN wants to keep readers informed.


Posted on Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012
DETROIT, MI –  Aliens from Planet Zeeba are throwing their support behind Rick Santorum.
Rick Santorum stopped by the Ford Plant in Dearborn, Michigan yesterday and received a very pleasant surprise.  An alien representative from Planet Zeeba came to the stage and announced that they Zeebans will be backing Santorum in the Republican primary AND in the Presidential election of 2012.
Dr. Susan Begley from the U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials was on hand to witness the “Zeeban Humanitarian Award for Humans” given to Santorum.
Dr. Begley told WWN that the Zeebans are “friendly” aliens.  ”There has been an ongoing invasion of our planet since October of 2010.  The Zeeban have come to help and protect human beings, but the aliens from Planet Gootan are here to harm us – and the Zeebans are currently in a fierce battle with them for alien control of Earth.”
So,  how does Rick Santorum fit in with the Zeebans?
“The Zeebans feel that Rick Santorum has what it takes to lead the United States, and therefore, the whole planet.  The Zeebans are pro-family, pro-gun (but only laser guns for self protection) and anti-abortion (it’s illegal on Planet Zeeba to harm ANY lifeform),” Dr. Begley told WWN.  ”They also believe don’t believe in marriage between two of the same alien genders. They think that it would ultimately lead to the end of a species.”
Santorum has been causing a stir the last few days because he said that the father of lies has his sights on what you think the father of lies, Satan, would have his sights on. A good, decent, powerful, influential country, the United States of America.”
The speech gained a lot of attention this week  - including from aliens of all stripes.
“If you were Satan, who would you attack?” the former U.S. senator asked the students. “There’s no one else to go after other than the United States, and that’s been the case, for now, almost 200 years.”
Santorum went on to explain how he thought the devil had attacked the United States in several areas: its foundations, academia, the Protestant Church and government.
“The Zeebans feel that The Gootans are also “satan” and want to help Santorum bring goodness and “zeeban-ness” to the United States.”
Santorum was happy to get the backing of the Zeebans.  ”Someimes, I feel like an alien myself.  I respect the Zeebans and the values they hold and I support them in their support of me.”
The Zeebans have formed a super-pac, the Z-Pac, and they told Dr. Susan Begley (through an interpreter) that they hope to raise over $5 billion dollars (at least) for Rick Santorum.  ”The Zeebans feel that President Obama is pro-Gootan, so they want to do everything they can to defeat him in November.”


Posted on Thursday, February 16th, 2012
WASHINGTON D.C. –  Sources say Dwight D. Eisenhower met with extraterrestrials three times while he was President.  
President Dwight D. Eisenhower held meetings with extraterrestrials multiple times over the course of one month while government officials were told he was on holiday in Palm Springs.
The source of these claims is Timothy Good, a former consultant to Congress and the Pentagon, and, according to his web site, a gifted musician. Good addressed the rumors, which apparently have swirled in the UFO-watcher community for years, on BBC2′s comedy talk showOpinionated.
“I can tell you that in 1954, President Eisenhower had three encounters, set up meetings with aliens, which took place at certain Air Force bases including Holloman Air Force base in New Mexico.”
The aliens with whom the President met were said to be “‘Nordic’ in appearance.”
The Huffington Post article also makes mention of a related story from 2010, when retired New Hampshire state representative Henry McElroy Jr.  announcement relaying details of a secret alien-briefing document intended for Eisenhower that he had seen.
The content of the brief will hold no surprises for viewers of the popular Men in Black film series, but here’s the summary from McElroy himself:
“To the best of my memory, this brief was pervaded with a sense of hope, and it informed President Eisenhower of the continued presence of extraterrestrial beings here in the United States of America.
The tone of the brief indicated to me that there was no need for concern, since these visitors were in no way causing any harm or had any intentions whatsoever of causing any disruption then or in the future.”
Leading a world power during wartime certainly means that there’s going to be a need to maintain classified information. Despite anyone’s best efforts, not every secret remains a secret and the English Bulldog and Ike kept a mammoth one for decades.
Churchill is reported to “have made the orders during a secret war meeting with U.S. General Dwight Eisenhower, the then commander of the Allied Forces, at an undisclosed location in America during the latter part of the conflict.” He ordered that the information remain a secret for a period of 50 years.
United Kingdom’s National Archives released thousands of documents related to the sighting of unidentified flying objects last summer.


Posted on Wednesday, February 15th, 2012
SPARTANBURG – Authorities have confirmed that an alien spaceship attacked another alien spaceship over SC last night.
A  flash of blue light burst over the  skies of South Carolina early on Monday morning. Local government officials tried to allay fears in a nervous public by telling them it was a “fireball” or a “meteor” but WWN can confirm that it was neither.
WWN spoke with Dr. Susan Begley of the U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials.  She flew to Spartanburg with Dr. Banesh Bannerjee to examine the evidence.
Their conclusion:  “An alien spaceship from Planet Zeeba successfully attacked and destroyed another alien spaceship from Planet Gootan,” said Dr. Begley.
Dr. Bannerjee explained, “The Gootans landed on our planet in Novembe, 2011 and are planning an hostile attack on our citizens, but aliens from Planet Zeeba have come to help protect Earth and humans.  The Zeebans scored a victory here because the Gootan ship was going to attack Spartanburg and other parts of South Carolina.”
The FBI and local law enforcement officials told her to “stop talking about aliens” but the woman refuses.  “I know what I saw it was aliens.”
She told WWN that the ground “came alive with sparkling blue things”…  She said the sparkles were  beautiful and helped calm her after the explosion.
Dr. Begley explained that the “blue sparkles” were from Planet Zeeba and were intended to make the woman feel calm and comfortable.
Here’s a shot of the Gootan ship during the day, flying over Greenville, SC.
WWN will continue to follow the Gootan attack…


Posted on Thursday, February 9th, 2012
ST. PETERSBURG –   Gootan spaceships fired at commuters in St. Petersburg yesterday!!
There was   an extraordinary explosion seen by thousands of commuters in St Petersburg, Russia yesterday.
It seemed like the end of the world when motorists driving along this busy motorway saw a huge flash light up the night sky on the horizon.
The flash was  first thought to be the result of an explosion at an electrical power plant in St Petersburg, in what was described as a ‘technical malfunction’ by officials.
But, WWN has learned that explosion was actual a Gootan missile fired from an alien spaceship that had been seen hovering over St. Petersburg for the last few days.
“It definitely came from that alien spaceship.  It was getting lower and lower in the sky and we thought it was going to swoop down on us, but then it went back up and shot a missile at the electrical plant.  We saw it with our own eyes,” said Vasilev Kornosky, who was on his way home from work..
Authorities in Russia told WWN that it is a signal that the Gootans (who landed on Earth in November, 2011) have begun their attack.   “They no longer will be ‘observing’ humans, they are beginning to attack and, of course, they realize that if they take Russia, the rest of the world will be a piece of cake,” said a military official close to Vladmir Putin.
Putin himself has vowed to kill “every last Gootan I see,” with his bare hands.
Others say that Putin has made contact with the Gootans and is working with them.  ”Putin wants to see Russia destroyed.  He has his hands all over this,” said Sasha Mernov from Moscow.
Russians go to the polls to choose a new President on March 4 following widespread complaints of ballot rigging by the party of favorite Putin in the December parliamentary elections.
The electrical power plant has been disabled by The Gootans.  ”It was smart move, they have taken out a significant power source in Russia,” a NASA scientist told WWN.  ”America is taking steps to protect our power grid.”
Where will The Gootans strike next?   WWN is the lead media outlet on this story and will keep you updated by the day.