Monday 5 March 2012


Posted on Monday, March 5th, 2012
Aliens from Planet Gootan are attacking Great Britain.
Thousands of reports have been flooding into authorities across Great Britain.  Most of the reports are from citizens who have seen a bright orange fireball streak across the night skies.
Witnesses from northern Scotland all the way down to Dover have been alarmed by the flash of lights.
British authorities called in experts from the U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials, who flew to London to meet the members of Parliament and Dave Cameron’s top military officials.
“We have confirmed that the alien ships flying over Great Britain are from Planet Gootan.  They are flying sorties over the country and dropping space balls on British citizens,” said Dr. Susan Begley, one of the leaders of the U.N. team.  ”These space balls are harmless, and look like small meteorites, but they may be signaling a bigger attack, which we anticipate for later this year.”
A florist has come forward to show the press one of the Gootan space balls that hit her store. Joanne Pain, from Redcar  says she discovered the space rock while taking her dog for a walk yesterday.
The 43-year-old said: “It’s heavy and it has what looks like ‘small white chondrules” which we have read are typical of Gootan space balls.
Fiona Markman, 33, from Liverpool watched the fireball pass her house with daughter Gia, 15. She said: “I was watching TV when Chelsea said, ‘Mum, look at the sky’. I was mesmerized — I’d never seen anything like it before.  Then the balls started dropping.”
“I was a bit scared.  The space balls were like big rock of hail, but luckily they didn’t hit us dead on,” said Gia.
Roger Fairey, 41, a delivery man from Manchester, was having a cigarette when he saw the Gootan ship.  ”I thought I was seeing things. There was a big ball of fire coming towards me — I didn’t know what to do. My heart started thumping, but then the thing disappeared over the back of my house.”
Police in Blackpool, say that their town was hit the hardest.  ”We probably had over 3,000 space balls fall on our town.  There was extensive damage to buildings, but luckily only about thirty citizens were hospitalized and they all seem fine now.”
Here’s the path of one of the Gootan ships:

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