Monday 26 December 2011


Posted on Monday, October 31st, 2011

MANILA -  Today – the seven-billionth Earthling was born in the Philippines, and the seven millionth alien was born in New Mexico.
The birth of the seven-billionth resident of Earth was confirmed by the United Nations demographic experts.  The U.N. Panel on Population went to Manila to celebrate.
Meanwhile, the seven-millionth alien was born in Taos, New Mexico and confirmed by the United Nations extraterrestrial experts.  The U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials went to Taos to celebrate.
The celebrations began in the Philippines, where baby Danica May Camacho was greeted with cheers and an explosion of photographers’ flashbulbs at Manila’s Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital. She arrived two minutes after midnight on Monday.
The baby received a shower of gifts, from a chocolate cake marked “7B Philippines” to a gift certificate for shoes.
“She looks so lovely,” the mother, Camille Galura, whispered as she cradled the 5.5-pound baby, who was born about a month premature.
The baby was the second for Galura and her partner, Florante Camacho, a struggling driver who supports the family on a tiny salary.  The baby is resting comfortably with her friends:
Meanwhile, in Taos,  Xi^a Qu^tu was born to Zxyt^ Qu^tu  and 5yb^ia Qu^tu – both aliens from Planet Zeeba, who have been living in the Taos area for the last ten months.  The baby is resting comfortably – and took this picture of her friends:
The happy couple is part of the alien invasion that began last October.   The Zeebans are considered “friendly” by extraterrestrial experts and have come to earth to help humans deal with climate change, poverty and obesity.
Dr. John Malley, the head of the U.N. Panel of Extraterrestrials was on hand for the alien birth.  “It was the most beautiful moment of my life,” said Dr. Malley.
Both families are already talking about getting baby Danica to meet baby Xi^a.
What are the odds that the seven-billionth human would be born on the same day as the seven-millionth alien?  Well, they are seven-gazillion to one!
But the aliens from Zeeba say – “nothing is by accident.”
Congratulations to both families!!

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