Monday 26 December 2011


Posted on Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

FORT WILLIAM, SCOTLAND – An alien spaceship flew into the Angus Sea off Scotland yesterday
It appears the aliens from Gootan are beginning their attack on Earth.   Experts at the U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials have confirmed that the alien spaceship seen diving into the Angus Sea is from Planet Gootan.
“We studied the satellite images carefully overnight and evaluated the trajectory of the dive with the spaceships we have been monitoring,” said Dr. Banesh Bannerjee of the U.N. Panel.  ”It is definitely a Gootan ship.”
Bannerjee was quick to add that this ship is much smaller than the three ships set to attack Earth in just under a week.   He was not sure why this ship dove into the Angus Sea, but he felt that it was some kind of reconnaissance ship.
Scottish officials have asked the U.N. to send peacekeepers to Scotland in case aliens emerge from the sea.
Many eyewitnesses who contacted the coastguard at around 1am (local time) reporting the ship diving into  waters off the Usan area of Montrose, including Liam Forester of  Montrose:
Since the dive last night, there has been no trace of the ship.
On Thursday, Tayside Police renewed their appeal after an extensive search by coastguard, the RNLI and a helicopter from RAF Kinloss found nothing.
Inspector Sean McNally said: “As it stands just now, the incident is the hands of the United Nations.  We are urging Scottish citizens to remain calm.  We are prepared to deal with these aliens, and will do so in a calm, professional manner.”
“We remain concerned, but confident that the world community will take action to deal with the Gootans.”
The Usan area is popular with walkers and the Scottish government is appealing to all who may have seen the spaceship to alert the authorities. “The more data we can get, the better,” said McNally.

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