Monday 26 December 2011


Posted on Saturday, August 27th, 2011

SHANGHAI – A gigantic ball of light appeared over two major Chinese cities.  NASA has confirmed it to be an alien spaceship.
The ongoing alien invasion continues.
On the night of August 20th, numerous people and pilots in both Beijing and Shanghai reported seeing a strange ball of light that grew bigger and bigger over the cities’ skies.
The sighting  has created a stir on Chinese web sites, and it has been dubbed “The Super UFO.”
Several pilots were mid-air at the time and reported seeing a huge white ball flying at an altitude of 25,000 feet.  One pilot, Donald Kee of Dragon Air, said it seemed to be a hundred times larger than the moon. The phenomenon was visible for 20 minutes and was reported to the East China Air Traffic Control Bureau. As usual, no official explanation for this sighting has been given by the Chinese Government.
However, NASA evaluated the data and sent it over to the U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials.  Dr. John Malley was still in Nepal examining evidence of the alien base, but Dr. Dani Montano of the U.N. Panel spoke to WWN.
“The Chinese believe that a Super UFO will appear in 2012 and that will signify the end of the world, so there is a segment of the Chinese population that is panicked about this sighting.  But, we have confirmed that the sighting was just another spaceship from Planet Gootan, a spaceship  that we have seen coming in an out of the Himalayas before.  It’s not the end of the world, it’s simply part of the alien invasion.  The Gootans are peaceful.”
This fact does not calm the Chinese citizens that saw the Super UFO.  “I’m terrified, what does this mean?  2012 must be the end. It must,” said a panicked, Eva Ho, in Shanghai.  It’s a sentiment shared by many Chinese.  The Chinese government refuses to acknowledge the Super UFO and will not discuss anything about it – not even the reaction of Chinese citizens.
The Super UFO was also spotted over Wuhan City and Xiamen

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